Rush To Jailbreak the iPad mini!

In typical Apple fashion, the iPad mini was announced with much drama and wait. Apple began with company updates, went on to update the 13″ MacBook Pro with a Retina version and the other macs too. The iMac got a healthy update with a super diet body, Mac Mini is bumped with 3rd gen core i3 processors and the biggest surprise was the introduction of a 4th generation iPad. While many are still lining up to pick up the new iPad that released earlier this year, Apple upgraded it with a better processor, faster WiFi and more LTE bands. 

Apple iPad mini

After all the wait, Apple went on to introduce a smalle iPad. The iPad mini as it is rightly called, sports a 7.9″ screen and a resolution that is equivalent to the first two iPads, 1024×768. There are talks of why a smaller iPad and how can Apple do this? But the fact is clear, consumers love a smaller tablet and Apple is just making it. Given the iPad mini’s pricing ($329) and the portability, I would suspect more people lining up to buy an iPad mini in the holiday quarter than the regular iPad.

A smaller iPad means

  • More Portability, lighter weight
  • easier to use for photography
  • one hand consumption possible
  • comfortable to hold when reading a book for long hours
  • convenience to carry around and skip the awkwardness of having a 10″ tablet
  • easier to type with thumbs
  • better for gaming!
It is hard to not justify the existence of an iPad mini. But with more use comes a great need to have apps. I am sure the dev community would be waiting to get their hands on the iPad mini and release a jailbreak asap. Given the old A5 processor and iOS 6 which is already public, we can very well expect a jailbreak for the iPad mini within weeks of its release.